Orange Elementary Health Services

Our Health Services staff is fully committed to the health of our students. We look after each student’s physical and mental well-being while on our campus.

MassHealth at Orange

OES has entered into an agreement with MassHealth to help coordinate health care services for enrolled students. This agreement allows us to work directly with each child's doctor or other medical provider to meet their health needs while at school. We keep all information we receive from your child's doctor confidential. We ask that you sign a permission slip allowing our school nurse to discuss screening information or other concerns with your child’s doctor.

Student Eligibility
All children ages birth-to-18 are eligible for free or reduced-cost health coverage through MassHealth. Information about plans is available from Healthy Connections at (978) 249-5634.

Health Screenings at Orange

In addition to handling minor injuries on the playground, our school nurse regularly screens Orange students for head lice, vision and hearing abnormalities, yearly growth checks, and scoliosis. We also provide a fluoride rinse program for students with a parent's permission.

In Case of Emergency
Should your child become ill at school (or a medical emergency arise), we will contact you or a designated emergency contact person immediately. Please make sure your emergency numbers are up to date in our files.

Administration of Medication

Certain health problems require that students take medication during school hours. We keep all medication in the health office at all times.

  • Medication must be in its original, properly labeled container. Prescription medication must have the pharmacy label, as this serves as the doctor’s order.
  • A signed consent form giving specific directions for use must accompany medication from the parent.